I specialize in adult medicine, and specially trained to solve diagnostic problems, manage long-term illnesses, and help patients with multiple, complex chronic conditions. I provide comprehensive, longitudinal patient care and give recommendations are based on each patients unique situation. I analyze, consider and make connections from multiple data sets, and identify solutions for optimal health outcomes; balancing an adults regular preventive care needs with specialized care needs.
The services we provide;
1. Walk in Primary care; Handling all urgent care complaints including Feversorethroatcoughshortness of breathwheezingabdominal paindiarhoeachest painminor traumaheadachedizzinessfatiguerashmusculoskeletal painmigrainesSTD'surinary tract infections.
2.Geriatrics care: Preventive care, Medication management, Cognitive and Bone health, manage chronic conditions including DiabetesHypertensionChronic kidney diseaseCOPDHeart failureArthritis. Services include ; Head-to-toe physical examination,Chronic disease management Joint mobility evaluations ,Bone density testing, Neurological testing, Cancer screenings ,Specialist referrals, Immunizations.
3. Adult General Physicals
4. Chronic conditions management: Prevent chronic diseases, Prevent or treat arthritic conditions, Intervene early on if chronic conditions are present, Manage chronic diseases -Diabetes, hypertension,High cholesterol,chronic kidney disease, heart failure, Arthritis, Anemia, Osteoporosis,Urinary incontinence,Asthma,COPD,Depression,Anxiety,Headaches, Stroke etc.
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