Dr Robert Romanelli, D.C.

Robert Romanelli, D.C.


225 Townsend Square
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
(516) 922-1699



When do you want to come in?
Step 1 of 3
Office Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
12:00am to 12:00am 10:00am to 07:00pm 12:00am to 12:00am 10:00am to 07:00pm 12:00am to 12:00am 10:00am to 07:00pm 12:00am to 12:00am
This provider is not accepting online appointments currently. Call the doctor's office at (516) 922-1699 to book an appointment.
Dr. Romanelli specializes in both chiropractic and Functional Medicine. Whether you have musculoskeletal pain or a chronic disease Dr. Romanelli addresses the underlying cause, using a systems oriented approach that engages both the patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. This approach requires spending time with patients, listening to their history and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex chronic problems. In this way, I can support the unique expression of health and vitality in each individual.

See my practice's website at:

225 Townsend Square
Oyster Bay, NY 11771

Hours of operation

Sunday 12 am - 12 am
Monday 10 am - 7 pm
Tuesday 12 am - 12 am
Wednesday 10 am - 7 pm
Thursday 12 am - 12 am
Friday 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday 12 am - 12 am