Mr Khristopher Fuselier

Khristopher Fuselier


770 Bayou Pines E
Lake Charles, LA 70601
(337) 499-6887



When do you want to come in?
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Office Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 08:00am to 05:00pm 08:00am to 05:00pm 08:00am to 05:00pm 08:00am to 05:00pm 08:00am to 12:00pm Closed
This provider is not accepting online appointments currently. Call the doctor's office at (337) 499-6887 to book an appointment.
Khristopher is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and family nurse practitioner. His early career consisted of being a helicopter crew member for combat search and rescue with the United States Air Force, followed by 4 years in the Marine Corps under the Marine Corps Special Operations Command MARSOC. Though the majority of his healthcare career has been in Emergency Medicine, with 9 years in the Emergency Department and three years on a med-evac helicopter, being a primary health care provider has always been an interest of his. As a family nurse practitioner, and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, he enjoys making people feel better, managing their acute or chronic conditions effectively, and leaving patients with the confidence that they have a provider who cares. Other Healthcare credentials have included Certified Emergency Nurse, Certified Flight Registered Nurse, Advanced Cardiac Life Saving, Pediatric Advanced Life Saving, Neonatal Resuscitation, Prehospital Trauma Life Saving, and Trauma TCCC.
770 Bayou Pines E
Lake Charles, LA 70601

Hours of operation

Monday 8 am - 5 pm
Tuesday 8 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 8 am - 5 pm
Thursday 8 am - 5 pm
Friday 8 am - 12 pm