Dr Julia Desiree Pineda, MD

Julia Desiree Pineda, MD


2440 M Street Nw
Suite 712
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 828-0935



When do you want to come in?
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Office Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 08:00am to 03:30pm 08:00am to 03:30pm 08:00am to 03:30pm 08:00am to 03:30pm 08:00am to 03:10pm Closed
This provider is not accepting online appointments currently. Call the doctor's office at (202) 828-0935 to book an appointment.
Dr J Desiree Pineda practices Endocrinology and Internal Medicine. She is board certified and her practice is located in Washington DC.

Dr Pineda's office provides personalized health care to fit the needs of her patients and delivers all services with high standards. Her office is equipped with a laboratory, EKG, Spirometry, vaccines and offers Metabolic testing and Nutritional Counseling. She designates a minimum of 20 minutes with each patient and her goal is to have a long lasting relationship with her patients

Dr Pineda's areas of expertise are Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, PCOS, Hypertension and Metabolic-Weight Disorders. Dr Pineda and her staff are fluent in Spanish

She is the past President of the Medical Society of DC and the Pan American Medical Society. Currently she is the Board Chair of the Medical Society of DC and an American Medical Association Delegate for DC.
2440 M Street Nw
Suite 712
Washington, DC 20037

Hours of operation

Monday 8 am - 3:30 pm
Tuesday 8 am - 3:30 pm
Wednesday 8 am - 3:30 pm
Thursday 8 am - 3:30 pm
Friday 8 am - 3:10 pm