Hello there! I'm Dr. Escobedo, your friendly neighborhood physician on a mission to bring healing to your body, soul, an spirit.
About me: I am a board certified family physician, Christian, blogger, who loves to drink coffee everyday, and am passionate about learning more about a multiplicity of topics, not just medical literature, but I've learned so much from my patients.
Healing Philosophy: I combine modern medicine with the power nutrition, supplements, and exercise. The Lord God didn't call me into medicine to only treat symptoms, but to lead people to real healing wellness.
Beyond the Clinic: I love the outdoors: gardening, I have 10 chickens and get eggs everyday, running, and biking. I meet with a Christian group weekly for Bible studies and keep the Lord's table every Sunday.
Visit my blog at: www.frank-escobedo.com
Education Experience: I went to UTD for my biology undergratuate degree, then attended Long School of Medicine in San Antonio, and I did my 3 year specialty in Family Medicine. I worked at the VA where I cared for veterans for to 3.5 years. I also worked for a couple of other companies, but now God has led me to open up my own clinic.
I am passionate about integrative medicine, to include supplements, the power of low-level laser for healing and weight loss, and the regenerative properties of platelet rich therapy PRP.
Let's connect. Let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at drescobedorgv-directcare.com
See my practice's website at: