In pediatric practice for 40 years. Attended Imperial College, London, UK, graduating with a PhD In Organic Chemistry, Mentor, Sir Derek HR Barton, Nobel Laureate. Then completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Biology at Baylor in Houston,Tx. After 11 years in Pharmaceutical Research, initially with Schering, leading The Gentamicin, Chemistry Team and subsequently SmithKline as Research Fellow, attended The University of Miami, Fl, Medical School, PhD to MD Program, graduating with an MD. Subsequently Pediatric Resident Orlando, Fl and then Director of Clinical Research for Merck, with a concurrent fellowship, at Jefferson, in cardiovascular clinical pharmacology. Moved to Lederle Labs as Director of Research for 2 years. Then opened an office in Downingtown that has now grown to become Chester County Pediatrics.
An avid cyclist and fitness enthusiast, I have a strong interest in tackling the problems of unfitness and obesity that came with the advent of Social Media, Video Games and the like. ADD, Anxiety and Depression are related problems and occupy much of my clinical time.
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